A must-read for marketing directors, sales professionals, entrepreneurs, CXO’s, and anyone who wants to gain a larger share in their market.
Now in its third version, this entertaining book is purely about solving the issues in launching your business.
Written by entrepreneur, film producer, and CEO of Rip Media Group, Maury Rogow, the book is a fun and fast read created to help you launch your businesses to new heights.
It is a fact-based parody so the knowledge you receive comes as part of a story. Studies show that stories are 300% more engaging than lists, so, you will walk away and remember the knowledge given.
Like it or not…Your brand will live or die based on the story you tell.
Today’s digital world has changed the way we engage with clients, develop products, hire the best employees, and win new customers.
The amount of “noise” in the marketplace is increasing by the day and it is essential that you communicate with your customers in a way that works for today’s world.
This book is here for those that care about executing on a roadmap.
This book was written looking back at over $100,000,000 in revenue created and all the techniques used to get there.
The lessons are here for you.
If you would like to read or listen to the first chapter first, just use the contact form below and use “FIRST BOOK CHAPTER PLEASE” as your subject line. We will share it with you!